Toontown Infinite Commands
Toontown Infinite is a toontown server that was made to be an harder version of Toontown. We are going to continue its legacy here. Toontown Archive is a service that aims to provide game servers for all of the historical updates of Disney's Toontown Online. Toontown Infinite Test is an adventure game based on the Disney's version. Old-style Toontown and of Toontown with the. World of Toontown, play games.
If you are ever hosting your own Toontown Server using TTI source code and don't have the commands here they are.
To set these commands on other people all you gotta do is add an ~ at the beginning for example: ~~name Toon or ~~maxHp 137.
If you're having trouble using any of these message me on Skype:legendsaab
~targetReturns the current Spellbook target.
~warpwarp the target to the invoker's current position, and rotation.
~loopanimate the target using animation [anim] on the entire actor.
~posefreeze the target on frame [frame] of animation [anim] on the entire actor, or optional [part] of the actor.
~pingponganimate the target by bouncing back and forth between the start and end, or the optional frames , and [end] of animation [anim] on the entire actor, or optional of the actor.
~rightHandparents the optional to the target's right hand node.
~leftHandparents the optional to the target's left hand node.
~systemBroadcasts a message to the server.
~accessLevelModify the target's access level.
~loopanimate the target using animation [anim] on the entire actor.
~posefreeze the target on frame [frame] of animation [anim] on the entire actor, or optional [part] of the actor.
~pingponganimate the target by bouncing back and forth between the start and end, or the optional frames , and [end] of animation [anim] on the entire actor, or optional of the actor.
~rightHandparents the optional to the target's right hand node.
~leftHandparents the optional to the target's left hand node.
~systemBroadcasts a message to the server.
~accessLevelModify the target's access level.
~runToggles debugging run speed.
~collisionsOffTurns collisions off.
~collisionsOnTurns collisions on.
~gravityModifies the invoker's gravity. For default, use 0.
~xyzModifies the position of the invoker.
~hprModifies the rotation of the invoker.
~oobeToggle the 'out of body experience' view
~oobeCullToggle the 'out of body experience' view with culling debugging.
~wireToggle the 'wireframe' view.
~idNametagsDisplay avatar IDs inside nametags.
~nameNametagsDisplay only avatar names inside nametags.
~a2dToggle aspect2d.
~placerToggle the camera placer.
~explorerToggle the scene graph explorer.
~neglecttoggle the neglection of network updates on the invoker's client.
~backgroundColorset the background color. Specify no arguments for the default background color.
~fishRegister/unregister the fish to be caught on the target.
~quests clearClears Toontasks
~quests clearHistoryClears Toontask History
~quests addAdds Toontask.
~quests removeRemoves added Toontask.
~quest listsLists your Toontasks(???????)(idfk)
~quest bagSizeSets Toontask slots.
~quest progressSets your Toontask progress to wherever you want(?????)(idfk)
Toontown Infinite Files
~quest tierSets the reward to a toontask(??????)(idfk)~skipMovieSkips battle movies.
~factoryWarpWarp to a specific factory zone.
~fireworks july44th of July Fireworks
~fireworks newyearsNew Years Fireworks.
~fireworks summerSummer Fireworks.
~house typeSet a type of house.
~spookyActivates the 'spooky' effect on the current area.
~minigame requestRequests a trolley game.
~minigame forceForces a request for a trolley game.
~minigame removeRemoves minigame request.
~minigame diffucltyRequest minigame diffuclty(????)(idfk)
~minigame safezoneRequests minigame safezone(????)(idfk)
~minigame abortSkips minigame.
~race leaveLeave race.
~skipCFOSkips to the final round of the CFO.
~skipVPSkips to the final round of the VP.
~suitPathsVisualizes suit paths.
~globalTeleportActivates the global teleport cheat.
~zoneChanges the invoker's zone ID.
~cheesyEffectModify the target's cheesy effect.
~hpModify the target's current HP.
~maxHpModify the target's max HP.
~maxToonMax the invoker's stats for end-level gameplay.
~unlocksUnlocks the invoker's teleport access, emotions, and pet trick phrases.
~sosModifies the invoker's specified SOS card count.
~unitesRestock all resistance messages.
~firesModifies the invoker's pink slip count.
~maxMoneyModifies the target's max money value.
~moneyModifies the target's current money value.
~bank max 12000Gives max jellybeans.
~bank transferTransfer amount of jellybeans from bank to jar.
~fishingRodModify the target's fishing rod value.
~maxFishTankModify the target's max fish tank value.
~nameModify the target's name.
~hatModify the target's hat.
~glassesModify the target's glasses.
~backpackModify the target's backpack.
~shoesModify the target's shoes.
~kickKick the target from the game server.
~banBan the target from the game server.
~gmIconToggles the target's GM icon. If an access level is provided, however, the target's GM icon will be overridden.
~ghostToggles invisibility on the invoker. Anyone with an access level below the invoker will not be able to see him or her.
~badNameRevoke the target's name.
~ticketsSet the target's racing tickets value.
~cogIndexModifies the invoker's Cog index.
~inventory resetResets inventory.
~inventory restockRestocks inventory.
~dna genderChange gender.
~dna speciesChange toon species.
~dna headsizeChange toons head size.
~dna torsoChange toons torso.
~dna legsChange toons legs.
~dna headcolorChange toons head color.
~dna armcolorChange toons arm color.
~dna legcolorChange toons leg color.
~dna colorChange toons color.
~dna glovesChange toons glove color.
~dna toptexChange toons shirt.
~dna toptexcolorChange toons shirt color.
~dna sleevetexChange toons sleeve.
~dna sleevetexcolorChange toons sleeve color.
~dna bottexChange toons shorts/skirt.
~dna bottexcolorChange toons shorts/skirt color.
~dna saveSave toons DNA.
~dna restoreRestores toons saved DNA.
~trophyScoreModifies the target's trophy score.
~givePiesGive the target (numPies) of (pieType) pies.
~trackBonusModify the invoker's track bonus level.
~track removeRemove a gag track of your choice.
~track addAdd a gag track of your choice.
~track experienceSet your own gag track experience to any gag track.
~suit spawnSpawn a cog.
If you are ever hosting your own Toontown Server using TTI source code and don't have the commands here they are.
To set these commands on other people all you gotta do is add an ~ at the beginning for example: ~~name Toon or ~~maxHp 137.
If you're having trouble using any of these message me on Skype:legendsaab
~targetReturns the current Spellbook target.
~warpwarp the target to the invoker's current position, and rotation.
~loopanimate the target using animation [anim] on the entire actor.
~posefreeze the target on frame [frame] of animation [anim] on the entire actor, or optional [part] of the actor.
~pingponganimate the target by bouncing back and forth between the start and end, or the optional frames , and [end] of animation [anim] on the entire actor, or optional of the actor.
~rightHandparents the optional to the target's right hand node.
~leftHandparents the optional to the target's left hand node.
~systemBroadcasts a message to the server.
~accessLevelModify the target's access level.
~runToggles debugging run speed.
~collisionsOffTurns collisions off.
~collisionsOnTurns collisions on.
~gravityModifies the invoker's gravity. For default, use 0.
~xyzModifies the position of the invoker.
~hprModifies the rotation of the invoker.
~oobeToggle the 'out of body experience' view
~oobeCullToggle the 'out of body experience' view with culling debugging.
~wireToggle the 'wireframe' view.
~idNametagsDisplay avatar IDs inside nametags.
~nameNametagsDisplay only avatar names inside nametags.
~a2dToggle aspect2d.
~placerToggle the camera placer.
~explorerToggle the scene graph explorer.
~neglecttoggle the neglection of network updates on the invoker's client.
~backgroundColorset the background color. Specify no arguments for the default background color.
~fishRegister/unregister the fish to be caught on the target.
~quests clearClears Toontasks
~quests clearHistoryClears Toontask History
~quests addAdds Toontask.
~quests removeRemoves added Toontask.
~quest listsLists your Toontasks(???????)(idfk)
~quest bagSizeSets Toontask slots.
~quest progressSets your Toontask progress to wherever you want(?????)(idfk)
Toontown Infinite Files
~quest tierSets the reward to a toontask(??????)(idfk)~skipMovieSkips battle movies.
~factoryWarpWarp to a specific factory zone.
~fireworks july44th of July Fireworks
~fireworks newyearsNew Years Fireworks.
~fireworks summerSummer Fireworks.
~house typeSet a type of house.
~spookyActivates the 'spooky' effect on the current area.
~minigame requestRequests a trolley game.
~minigame forceForces a request for a trolley game.
~minigame removeRemoves minigame request.
~minigame diffucltyRequest minigame diffuclty(????)(idfk)
~minigame safezoneRequests minigame safezone(????)(idfk)
~minigame abortSkips minigame.
~race leaveLeave race.
~skipCFOSkips to the final round of the CFO.
~skipVPSkips to the final round of the VP.
~suitPathsVisualizes suit paths.
~globalTeleportActivates the global teleport cheat.
~zoneChanges the invoker's zone ID.
~cheesyEffectModify the target's cheesy effect.
~hpModify the target's current HP.
~maxHpModify the target's max HP.
~maxToonMax the invoker's stats for end-level gameplay.
~unlocksUnlocks the invoker's teleport access, emotions, and pet trick phrases.
~sosModifies the invoker's specified SOS card count.
~unitesRestock all resistance messages.
~firesModifies the invoker's pink slip count.
~maxMoneyModifies the target's max money value.
~moneyModifies the target's current money value.
~bank max 12000Gives max jellybeans.
~bank transferTransfer amount of jellybeans from bank to jar.
~fishingRodModify the target's fishing rod value.
~maxFishTankModify the target's max fish tank value.
~nameModify the target's name.
~hatModify the target's hat.
~glassesModify the target's glasses.
~backpackModify the target's backpack.
~shoesModify the target's shoes.
~kickKick the target from the game server.
~banBan the target from the game server.
~gmIconToggles the target's GM icon. If an access level is provided, however, the target's GM icon will be overridden.
~ghostToggles invisibility on the invoker. Anyone with an access level below the invoker will not be able to see him or her.
~badNameRevoke the target's name.
~ticketsSet the target's racing tickets value.
~cogIndexModifies the invoker's Cog index.
~inventory resetResets inventory.
~inventory restockRestocks inventory.
~dna genderChange gender.
~dna speciesChange toon species.
~dna headsizeChange toons head size.
~dna torsoChange toons torso.
~dna legsChange toons legs.
~dna headcolorChange toons head color.
~dna armcolorChange toons arm color.
~dna legcolorChange toons leg color.
~dna colorChange toons color.
~dna glovesChange toons glove color.
~dna toptexChange toons shirt.
~dna toptexcolorChange toons shirt color.
~dna sleevetexChange toons sleeve.
~dna sleevetexcolorChange toons sleeve color.
~dna bottexChange toons shorts/skirt.
~dna bottexcolorChange toons shorts/skirt color.
~dna saveSave toons DNA.
~dna restoreRestores toons saved DNA.
~trophyScoreModifies the target's trophy score.
~givePiesGive the target (numPies) of (pieType) pies.
~trackBonusModify the invoker's track bonus level.
~track removeRemove a gag track of your choice.
~track addAdd a gag track of your choice.
~track experienceSet your own gag track experience to any gag track.
~suit spawnSpawn a cog.
~suit buildingSpawn a cog building.
~suit doSpawn Field Office with diffuclty.
~suit invasionSpawn an invasion.
~suit invasionendEnd an invasion.
~achievements earnEarn achievements.
~achievements removeRemove achievements.
Toontown Infinite
~getZoneGets your zone.
Toontown Infinite CommandsHey there everyone! Do you ever get tired of the greetings in these blog posts? After a while, I find myself struggling to come up with something that sounds different enough from the last time, so from here on out I think we'll just stick to the same greeting for every blog post. Sound good? I hope so. Enough of that though, let's get into today's post- the final Toontown Offline blog post of 2020.
The Hardships of 2020
Before going any further, we'd like to bring attention to the hard times we've all experienced this year. It has been tough to live in 2020. Not being able to go out and see your friends, attend real-life events, or even learn in an actual classroom. Covid-19 has put a strain on us all. We at Toontown Offline wish to put out a statement to all of our fans; we can do this. We can all get through this together. And whether that happens in 2021 or beyond, just know we're all in the same boat. Things will improve.
The Bright Side of 2020
2020 hasn't been all doom-and-gloom, though. There are many things we have to be grateful for this year, specifically when it comes to the Toontown community. Without a doubt, 2020 has been the biggest year for Toontown history yet. Despite being nearly a decade since the original game closed, we were treated to a plethora of leaks and content from the game's history. It came in the form of never-before-seen assets, original source code, and a snapshot of what Toontown was like in it's Beta days. And as you most likely know, we sure as heck took advantage of all these leaks had to offer. We've used so much content given to us in the Pandora and Anesidora leaks, including the contents of the Toontown Beta Disc released by Joe Schochet.
Toontown Offline isn't the only project that's taken advantage of these new discoveries. Just last week, '>Toontown Archive Released Their 1.0.5 Beta Server to the public, making this legacy version of Toontown playable to the public for the first time in nearly 20 years. Truth be told, this has certainly been a year for all Toontown fans to celebrate.
But what else has happened this year? Well for Toontown Offline, this was the year we finally released the rebranded version of our game with the v1.0 update. It took a lot of hard work, but earlier this year we finally did it. And in the months since, we've had a consistent stream of updates, containing many new features, tweaks, and bug fixes galore. If you're a fan of Toontown Offline, you certainly didn't leave 2020 empty handed with new content.
Looking Past 2020
So what happens now? What's on the horizon for Toontown Offline in 2021? Rest assured, we are consistently working on our huge Operation: Seek Out Scrooge update. Will it be ready in 2021? If I were to guess, I'd say it's not very likely. That may not be the answer you were looking to hear, but it's the answer you deserve. But hey, what a surprise it would be if we did manage something like that! And of course, we will have a stream of small miscellaneous content release as we have been doing ever since our v1.0 update.
Don't worry- I don't plan to leave you empty handed though. As this is the last blog post of the year, we wanted to possibly show off a snippet of what we've been working on for Operation: Seek Out Scrooge. However, we've already shown off a lot already this year. We feel that by showing off any more (at least for a while), it would sour the surprise we want to build up for this update. After all, we can't show you everything, now can we? Despite this, we thought of an idea that could meet you in the middle. Pictured below is an out-of-context compilation that shows off what we've been working on lately for our Operation: Seek Out Scrooge update. To us, we know what each of the following images represents. But to you guys? Well, I guess you'll just have to connect the dots for yourselves.
Thank you so much for reading today's blog post and sticking with Toontown Offline in 2020. We hope that our game has provided you with a lot of entertainment to help you through this year. With that said, have a good one all!
The Toontown Offline Team